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Jet Towel keeps it quiet for child health

According to Mitsubishi Electric, research has shown that noisy hand dryers can frighten young children into risking their own health by not washing and drying hands properly in public facilities.

If they have been encouraged to do so from an early age, children are generally happy to practice good hand hygiene habits. However, as children, they can easily be distracted and the occasional slip up could quickly turn into a bad habit.

Mitsubishi Electric explains that very young children are often taken to the toilet by a parent or appropriate adult; however, most children are keen to grow up fast and it’s not long until they want to do things independently.  But being less than a meter tall and still quite new to the outside world, a public bathroom can be quite overwhelming and intimidating as unknown adults tower over you while sinks and dryers are too high for comfort.  

The Jet Towel is perfect for facility managers with a young user profile because it operates at a low 58 dB on low mode and 61 dB for high mode. This is the same level of noise as conversational speech, making the Jet Towel the quietest high speed hand dryer available. Additionally with enhanced waved nozzles on the 8th Generation Jet Towel model, the airflow is more streamlined helping to really minimize noise.

For facility managers, the low energy consumption and the stylish design of the unit is usually the deciding factor. The attraction for teachers and parents would of course be the hygiene factor that would help in reducing the risk of a bug going around the school.

Please click on the link to view the original article “Mitsubishi Electric keeps it quiet for child health” by Mitsubishi Electric.


Jet Towel and kids


  News Jet Towel keeps it quiet for child health